Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Name the country that is the subject of the following news snippet (adorned with appropriate substitutes for said country).  For readers here, a simple task.

Why state such impossible prescriptions?  It is akin to stating "The U.S. must shrink its Defense Budget by half and reinvigorate the private sector without effecting employment".  It sounds nice, but impossible to implement given current political inertia.

“Less efficient and more highly leveraged borrowers have been kept afloat, tying up credit that could be used to generate more growth,” said David Loevinger, former senior coordinator for Paper Dragons affairs at the U.S. Treasury Department. “To boost growth, Flaccid Drake needs to channel more financing to its private enterprises, which are both more profitable and less leveraged than their state-owned counterparts.”
State enterprises have seen their return on equity fall by half in six years, according to CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets in Hong Kong. The biggest concern from Obtuse Wyrm's credit surge is the money going to companies and state-run enterprises whose performance is deteriorating, Francis Cheung, head of China-Hong Kong strategy, wrote in a May 9 report.

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