More good will come from this than all the "aid" from Western Governments cumulatively and extant. But assistance does not come without a price, and readers here are instructed to my "cloth or gavel" writings. Battles are always fiercest on the frontier.
2011-07-31 Vatican Radio
Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday appealed for those
suffering in the Horn of Africa from the dramatic
consequences of famine, aggravated by war and the
absence of solid institutions.
Addressing three thousand people in the courtyard
of the Papal Summer Residence in Castel Gandolfo,
he said Jesus confronts us with our
responsibility: which is to do everything in our
power to bring assistance to those who suffer from
hunger and thirst.
He was commenting on the Sunday Gospel passage,
which was about the multiplication of the loaves
and fishes.
The passage is repeated (in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). This was instructive to me as the same passage was repeated in this morning's sermon at my own house of worship. The nature of memes.
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