Since there will be more manifestations of QE, and certainly more beyond QE2 as the Government (The Fed, the Treasury, the Executive, and Congress) continues to fire blanks at a charging 2000lb. bull, but cannot de-ossify themselves from traditional Keynesian stimulus packages, here are my nominees for the putative rounds of QE:
QE3: "Beyond the Valley of Quantitative Easement"
QE4: "Return of QE"
QE5: "Revenge of QE"
QE6: "The FINAL chapter of QE"
QE7: "Son of QE"
QE8: "Greenspan's Vengeful Ghost"
QE9: "QEen of the Damned"
QE10: "QE X"
...and on and on until someone realizes (as per the previous post) that there must be a better way to increase aggregate demand...that way being of course tax cuts to build demand from the bottom up and CHANGE consumer preferences on a more permanent basis, something QE is powerless to do.
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