Thursday, September 18, 2014


Wether or not 4 million people decide to collectively re-program their "nationality" is not so interesting as the current global trend towards increased autonomy and the return of "sovereignity", which has been under siege for the last 40 years.

Globalization has been wonderful for commerce, but unfortunately, when you scale power to global levels the opportunity for corruption and control becomes too intoxicating.  What we are witnessing is the concept of subsidiarity writ large.  It is beneficial to have globally connected commerce, but the power structures that follow this phenomenon have proven to be less useful.

This is a simple re-pricing of information.  Modern goverments would have you believe that smaller countries will not enjoy the benefits of large-scale information matrixes (like currencies, regulation, courts, etc.).  This is of course nonsense as most of these matrixes have become increasingly cheap due to technological advances.  What real disadvantages would Scotland suffer if they vote for independence?  Would they somehow be untethered from the entire world and set adrift at the mercy of the elements like the Pequod?  Or will they be able to chart their own course and bestride the world on their own power like the Nautilus?  Predictably, the owners of this current global system are concerned.

The desire to de-scale governmental power is entirely logical, and in this blogger's opinion, necessary in order to prevent more violent means of re-pricing information.

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